Downtown 🌷
So this is a collection of photographs I've taken, and I wanted to share them with you, exploiting the small details of downtown. Enjoy!
May 14 , 2017 : Downtown Nicosia
A beautifully decorated tree, outside of a gorgeous cafe-bar in Athinas str.
As you can probably tell by now, I'm inspired by nature and flowers, so here is a flower. Just a flower. yeap.
This is a sign post, just outside a house. I found it really intriguing and unique so I decided to document it. Ammochostou str.
I just adore this plant. I believe it's called Bougainvillea. Constantinou Palaiologou str.
Now this is an old window, that I found inspiration in because of the colors. The combination of wood/blue/orange is so relaxing to me. Reminds me of warm summer days.
Finishing off this post with a photo of Ledras str.
I never appreciated the beauty of downtown Nicosia. It's a place I grew up in, and lately every corner I turn my head towards to, I can see the past.
It's crazy to think how things were before, how buildings were different and in general how much things have changed.
Thank you for checking the post out. Stay tuned for more posts.